Zipt for free and cheap calls.

Zipt mobile application is the best option to communicate between you and your friends or relatives even in low internet speed. Zipt allow free unlimited calls to other Zipt users and cheap calls to any phones all around the world.
Internet connectivity now entered to 4 th generation and all communication apps works on 3G and 4G networks. But villages and inner areas still not under overage of the fast internet mobile network. Mobile  internet plan selection option available in developing countries  depend on speed.3G and 4G connections are costly than 2G internet in these counties and most of the people using low speed connections. Zipt is the best option for them for make free calling between friends who installed Zipt on their mobile phones. Zipt works smoothly  even your internet speed is 8 kilo bytes per second.

Zipt owned by Australian telecommunication company Zip Tel. Currently Zipt available for Android , iOS and Windows versions will launch soon.  You can easily share photos, documents , audio recording and video recording with Zipt application.

The famous Australian cricket fast bowler  Brett Lee is the brand ambassador of ZipT.

Features of Zipt

Make unlimited free calls to other Zipt users any where in the world.
Zipt works on very  low internet speed.
Make cheap calls to any phone anywhere in the world.
Share images ,documents , audio and video recordings to Zipt installed mobile.
Zipt do not run any advertisements in their applications.

Download Zipt for Android mobile and tablets

Now new account  will get a small Zipt out credit free for test the service.

Watch a video about Zipt

Visit ZipT website for more


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