Free calling programs for Linux computer.

free_calling_apps_for_linuxLinux is the operating system for desktops and laptops , that assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The Linux available in different distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora , Open SUS, dynamic, BLAG etc.
Linux operating system was developed originally as a free operating system for Intel processor  based computers, but it has been developed  to different types of   hardware platforms than other operating system. It mainly using as an operating system on servers,  main frame computers and supercomputers. The percentage of  Linux OS used desktop computers are very less,   around 1% only using this.  Embedded systems also runs on Linux ,  this  operating systems  are  typically built into the firm ware and  highly tailored to the system, this includes mobile phones,tablet computers, network routers, facility automation controls, televisions and video game consoles. Android is built on top of the Linux kernel, this is the leading  operating system for smartphones and tablets.
You can make free calling from Linux computers with free calling programs. Some free calling providers supports Linux platform.
The free calling programs for Linux are mentioned below. You can download this program by click the download links and make free calls from your Linux computers.

skypeSkype is a leading application which support Linux computers. . It allows you to do free text, free call, free video calls , free file transfer between Skype users etc. The Skype also allows you to make free and Cheap calls to mobile and land line.
Read more about Skype .
Download Skype for Ubundu 10.04 32-bit
Download Skype for Ubundu  12.04 multiarch
Download Skype for Debian 7 multiarch
Download Skype for Fedora 16 32 bit
Download Skype for OpenSUS 12.1 32 bit
Download Skype for  Dynamic

viberViber is  one of the leading  communication program using world wide for making video and voice free calls. Viber supports Linux  computers.  Viber offers high quality phone and video free calls, send text, photo and video messages worldwide to any Viber users without any cost.
Read more about Viber 

Download Viber Debian for Linux computer.
Download Viber RPM for Linux computer.

hangoutsGoogle Hangouts is a messaging application of Google, the internet giant ,that lets you send and receive messages, photos and more. This is a plugin of Chrome browser and you must install chrome in Linux computer for use it.

Read more about Google Hangouts. Download Google Hangouts for Linux

linphone-bannerLinphone is an open source messenger program,  you can  communicate freely with people over the internet, with voice, video, and text instant messaging. This works on Linux computers and laptops.

More about Linphone ..    Download  Linphone for Linux.

toxTox is  an easy to use application that allows you to connect with friends and family in privacy. The all Tox features are  free unlike other brands , they charge you to pay for some features. Tox available for Linux computers and laptops.

More about Tox      Download Tox for Linux.

Linux and all other open source soft wares  can be freely used, changed, and shared the modified or unmodified form by anyone. This article is useful to whom interested to make free calls from their Linux computers and laptops. We know this list in incomplete , we will update this list time to time and will  add more free calling providers.

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