Free calling from computer.

free_calling_from_computerEvery body likes free calling , the reason is simple,ie, most of the people like to speak and touch with their loved ones and they hate spending more money. Nowadays most of the people using smart phones for free calling purposes.  Even though a good number of people  making free calling from computer also .We can include  desktops , laptops and net books in computer category.  These are available under different types of  brands and operating systems. Computers and laptops are widely used for communication purposes such as free calling and send texts before smartphones become more popular.  We need a good speed internet connectivity for make free calling from computer through broadband, WIFI or other internet source.  If your computer or laptop not built in microphone and speaker , you must arrange a headset with micro phone for make free calling from computer.   The major free calling providers offers software for different computer types. Most of these applications need same software on both side. All of these programs are multi platform supported and you can call to anybody using same program in smart phone or tablet computers.

We would like to introduce different types of  desktops and computers in this articles. You can also read special articles about categories  by click links in each categories.

ms-windows-logoWindows is the leading operating system for laptops and desktops. Microsoft Windows came to  the monopoly of world’s  computer and laptop market with  90% market share, they are overtaking Apple computer’s operating system Mac OS, . But , since 2012, the story is changed , Windows  sells less than Android when counting on all of the computing platforms . After the mobile device boom in 2014, Windows PC and laptops selling less than a quarter of Android. Window XP, Windows VISTA, Windows 7 and Windows 8 are the major versions of  Windows operating system. The last version Windows 8 aimed not only computers , that works tablets and smartphones too. The Microsoft company ready to launch their next edition Windows 10 with more attractive features.
The leading free calling brands introduced their Windows versions for make free calling from computer .
You can use make free calling from computer with Skype, Nimbuzz, Line, Tango, Viber, Yahoo Messenger, ooVoo, iCQ,Paltalk, Google Hangouts and Kakao Talk programs.
Read more about Windows programs which helps you for free calling from computer.

mac-os-logo1Mac OS is the operating system developed by Apple Inc. for their Macintosh line computer and laptops.  MacOS is the the second largest using operating system for desktops and laptops. The different varieties of  Macitosh products are available  , the all in one iMac, the entry level Mac mini, and the Mac Pro tower graphics workstation are the desktop models,  three laptop models the MacBook Air, MacBook Pro, and MacBook Pro with Retina display.
The leading free calling brands introduced MacOS versions for make free calling from computer .
You can use make free calling from computer with Skype, Nimbuzz, Line, Viber, Yahoo Messenger, ooVoo, iCQ,Paltalk, Google Hangouts and Kakao Talk programs.
Read more about free calling from Windows  computer.

indexLinux is the operating system for desktops and laptops , that assembled under the model of free and open source software development and distribution. The Linux available in different distributions such as Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora , Open SUS, dynamic, BLAG etc. The percentage of  Linux OS used desktop computers are very less,   around 1% only using this.  Embedded systems also runs on Linux ,  this  operating systems  are  typically built into the firm ware and  highly tailored to the system, this includes mobile phones,tablet computers, network routers, facility automation controls, televisions and video game consoles. Android is built on top of the Linux kernel, this is the leading  operating system for smartphones and tablets. Some free calling providers supports Linux platform.
You can use make free calling from computer with Skype,Viber, Google Hangouts,  Linphone and Tox programs.
Read more about free calling from Linux  computer.

Chromebook-logo-1Google Chrome book is a chrome browser based net book computer, that is not included in any above mentioned categories.  Chrome only supports chrome browser plugin apps only. You can make free video and voice calling with Google hangouts in Chrome book. imo is the another  leading free calling program which supports Chrome book.  Chrome book version of Skype available , but unfortunately its not allow to make calls.

We hope this article is may useful to whom , they searching better program for free calling from computer. Stay in touch with us to get updated with latest news about free calling programs.



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