How to keep your WhatsApp number out of Google Search

keep your WhatsApp numberWhatsApp numbers can be found through a simple Google search. Cyber security experts found more than 300,000 WhatsApp numbers as text. This numbers include users from most countries, including India,  US and UK. Researchers say that this data is available on the Internet, which is commonly used by people who don’t go to the Darknet. That available in a simple Google search.
This article explain how to keep your WhatsApp number from Google search.

However, the company can easily fix it. The only way to avoid this is to take some precautions, such as encrypting users’ mobile numbers and putting a file on robots.txt to prevent bots from roaming around on their platforms. With so many users, efforts are being made to steal the mobile number from WhatsApp. Nowadays, many people associate their number with Bitcoin wallet, bank accounts  and credit cards. These numbers are said to be capable of attacking switches, cloning, SIMCard, and so on.

The Problem is  Click To Chat feature.

The problem occurs when using WhatsApp’s ‘Click to Chat’ feature. The mobile number of the individual is added to the link; E.g. ( The mobile number is not encrypted here. So wherever this link is shared, that the user’s mobile number will be plain text. For example, suppose a link created by WhatsApp users clicks on a chat to a friend on Twitter. If it is posted on Twitter, anyone who sees that post can read the number. This is because the link server does not have a robots.txt file. In other words, crawling for companies like Google is impossible. They index links. In short, your mobile number begins to reside on the web. These pages have no index meta tags. Despite this, the search engines were not caught in the net.

How to keep safe WhatsApp number from Google search ?

With WhatsApp’s Click to Chat feature, users can easily share URLs and URLs with QR codes. This is a convenient feature, but if you do this you will be able to locate your mobile number through Google Search. There was even some debate as to whether this was part of a conspiracy between global technology giants Facebook and Google. Google’s algorithms capture the number in the Click to Chat link and store it as part of the web (Google search index). Despite talking to representatives of both companies, they replied that this was all to be expected.

The only thing to remember is that this is not a leak. WhatsApp users who use the Click to Chat feature do not know that their number is going to the Internet. Nobody wants to advertise their number. The best way is to get both companies to work together. But that is never going to happen. Therefore, if you don’t get your number on Google search, researchers say there is only one solution to not using the Click Chat feature on WhatsApp. If you do this, it will be deleted one by one on all the websites.

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