Telegram app Introduces new features including chat folders, channel stats.

Telegram app

WhatsApp’s main competitor, Telegram, introduced new features. Features included in-app video editor, animated stickers and speaker jing gifs. The photo editor was first introduced to Telegram in 2015. Telegram said the app’s media editing facility has been updated with the addition of animated stickers and video editing.

Additions can be made to videos if you hit them twice. You can enable settings such as brightness and saturation in videos.Images and videos can be zoomed in to use the paint brush correctly.It is possible to add animated gifs to pictures and videos. With the introduction of Speaking Gifs, the loading time has been improved.
Flexible folders have been introduced to separate chats into separate sections. This way you can change the chats into separate folders.

Telegram has also introduced a new cache memory management tool for handling phone storage. The user can also decide how long telegram data should be stored. You can store your data in the cloud for an indefinite period of three days. To save space on storage, text in cached messages is stored in compressed.

Telegram’s 6.0 update includes features like the Chat Experience and Chat Performance Monitoring. Android, iOS Users will get the latest update. It also features new emojis and animations.

One of the newly introduced features is the ability to turn chats into separate chat folders. You can pin any number of chats within these folders. This allows people to separate work-related chats and personal chats.

Telegram app has also introduced a new change to the archiving of long chats. Chats are archived even if you swipe left. Muted chats always stay in the archive when new chats come out.

Telegram Desktop App features a folder sidebar and icons for easy identification of folders as they have more space on the desktop computer screen. But these are not available in the Telegram web version.

Channel statistics that can be used to evaluate the performance of channels will also be available. Channel Admin can monitor the growth of channels.

Download the Telegram App.

The Telegram app is available for both mobiles and desktops. The mobile versions are available for Android, iOS and Windows phone-based devices. Desktop versions are available for Windows, Mac, and Linux computers.

The Telegram app for Android OS-based smartphones and tabs download from Google Play Store. The iPhone and iPad users get the Telegram iOS app from Apple App Store. Windows phone-based devices are currently very less on the market, still Telegram app available for those users. Download it from Microsoft store.

The Windows OS based Laptop and computer users download Telegram from this link. Mac computer and Macbook supported Telegram download from this link or Mac App Store. The very interesting factor is Telegram available for Linux computers. The Telegram for Linux 64 bit and Linux 32 bit can download easily by clicking the links.

The web-browser version of Telegram is very popular. The main reason behind this popularity is to enjoy the Telegram experience without any downloads. Also no need for a supporting smartphone same like WhatsApp’s web version. 

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