Telegram, a popular messaging app, has introduced new features. The new feature can add up to a thousand people at a time to video calling. In addition, Telegram now allows screen sharing, including audio, in video calls. Telegram’s downloads have skyrocketed with the announcement of WhatsApp’s new privacy policy, which has caused confusion among users. Most people think that Telegram and other messaging app Signal are all safer than WhatsApp.
The Telegram said the increase would continue until everyone on earth could join a group call. About 1,000 people are now allowed to join the video call. At the same time, up to 30 people in a group call can share video from their camera and screen with others. Telegram’s new change will be useful for online lectures, seminars and online events attended by many people.
Telegram Video messages.
Telegram’s video message feature has also been updated. Telegram company offer video messages are a best way to check or share your surroundings without adding video files to your phone gallery. You can send a live video to your contacts by tapping on the recording button in the chat box. This video will not be stored in your gallery.
To record a video message, tap the microphone button icon in the message bar to change from voice message recording to video. Press and just hold to record, then tap the camera image icon to go back. The audio from your phone will continue to play while recording. This allows you to include your favorite songs with the video or reply to the podcast without pausing. Also, The blog of Telegram says that recording with your mobile’s front camera will allow you to zoom in and take the photo of distant things.
Speed up video playback.
Playback of videos sent by telegram can now be changed quickly. Apple’s media player now supports 0.5x, 1.5x and 2x playback speeds. So it can be useful to faster forward calls or watch slow motion videos .
To change quickly video playback, tap three dots on the Android platform or three horizontal dots on iPhone and iPad while watching a video in full screen. Android users can press and hold the 2X button while playing voice or video messages to switch to 0.5x, 1x, 1.5x and 2x playback speeds.
Voice screen sharing.
Telegram now allows users to share their device screens with others while making video calls. For example, if you watch a movie, you can share your screen and watch a movie with a friend. You can select the camera or swipe to share the screen while switching video during the call. The Telegram also said it would use video previews to make sure everything was fine before it went live.
Download Telegram , Android from Google Play store , iPhone and iPod from App store.